Weather in Manuel Antonio!
Manuel Antonio has some of the best weather in the world. Experience glorious sunshine, warm temperatures, and comfortable evenings in one of the world’s most breathtaking locations.
The average daytime temperature in Manuel Antonio hovers between 80º and 85º F (26.5º to 29.5º C) year-round, with refreshing sea breezes. At night, temperatures fall to a cool 70º to 75º F (18º to 24º C) — the perfect climate for dining al fresco. Enjoy the ocean’s incredibly comfy temperature of 78º/80º year-round!
During Costa Rica’s High Season, late November through May, we receive very little or no rainfall and sunshine all day long. In Costa Rica’s Northern Pacific coast, this makes for dry, brown, and dusty conditions. However, in Costa Rica’s lush central Pacific Coast, where our villa is located, it’s always green regardless of the season.
During Costa Rica’s transitional Green Season from May through August, you can expect beautiful sunny mornings and early afternoons allowing loads of time for activities, adventures, and beach time. It will sometimes rain a bit in the afternoons during these months, but remember — it’s the rainforest, and rainfall in the rainforest is a magical thing! An additional benefit to Green Season is that the price is a bit lower.
September and October is the Central Pacific’s Whale Watching Season, which also happens to be the rainforest’s rainiest most fertile months. This area is one of the world’s only breeding grounds for both Blue, Humpback and Pilot whales. You can see them breaching from the villa, or we can arrange a boat ride from our local marina to see them up close! These whales travel from both Alaska and Antarctica and meet in Costa Rica — 11,500 miles away — to mate and raise their young.
During Whale Watching Season, you can find some mornings to be clear for beach time and activities. Every month has a lot to offer here on Costa Rica’s central coast! As an all-weather paradise, tours and activities don’t stop for a shower in Costa Rica — in fact, they can even be more refreshing, memorable, and fun!